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Leadership & management is about more than just decision-making. The best business leaders arm themselves with the information they need to make good decisions. Whether it’s meetings, interviews or team dynamics, there’s always something to learn, and somewhere to improve.

Several of our Leadership & Management courses offer Institute of Leadership accreditation. Our certified courses provide an unparalleled depth of content based on the latest and best research and are seen as a benchmark for high-quality training.

Our Leadership & Management courses range from developing individual skills and techniques to introducing your new roles and responsibilities. Whatever your position or ambitions, Kent Trainers have the experience to enhance your leadership style and improve your business outcomes.

Leadership & Management courses

Introduction to First Line Management

This course is aimed at anyone who’s new to the role of management, or existing first line managers and supervisors with little or no management experience.

Newly appointed first line managers often have superb technical skills, which is the reason why you are promoted in the first place. What may be lacking is the very different set of skills needed to manage others. Without this experience in communication and planning, you may struggle to shine in other areas.

This course will help you understand the basic skills involved in managing and developing your staff, helping you to transition into your new role. As well as teaching you the fundamentals of what a first line manager does, you’ll learn key strategies for communication and motivation, and how to manage your new workload effectively.

Our Introduction to First Line Management programme is accredited by The Institute of Leadership & Management.

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Team Leadership & Supervisor Development Programme

This course is best suited to team leaders, section leaders, supervisors and first line managers, as well as anyone else who is charged with leading a group or team.

Improving performance is often easier than sustaining those improvements. No matter how good a leader and motivator you are, it’s likely that your techniques won’t hold sway forever. Your team’s performance may dip, and you may find yourself struggling to come up with new ways to motivate and inspire them.

Our two-day Team Leadership & Supervisor Development course will enable you to explore a range of new management techniques with practical, sustainable outcomes. By sharing your problems and learning with your peers, you’ll improve your management abilities and learn new ways to lead, encourage and inspire.

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Management Development Programme

This Management Development Programme is designed for middle and experienced managers looking to expand their confidence, knowledge and leadership skills.

Nobody is born a leader. Managing people is a learning process, and one which may come with its fair share of pitfalls. Sometimes, you may not be given the time or space to capitalise on your mistakes, and turn your weaknesses into strengths. Other times, you may simply hit a brick wall in your development, and not see a way forward to greater success. 

Our Management Development Programme combines broad lessons with a personal, incisive approach. Starting with your own personal development, we'll hone in on your unique attributes, and make sure that you can manage yourself before you manage others. You'll then learn the finer points of motivation and delegation, and how to execute on your plans and objectives.

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Senior Leadership Development Programme

The Senior Leadership Development Programme is ideal for all Senior Managers, Directors and Heads of Department, as well as anyone who has experience in a senior management role. Candidates should be open to expanding their expertise, sharing their experiences and accepting feedback in order to develop their leadership skills.

Reaching the top of your profession shouldn’t mean that you’ve learnt it all. The best leaders continue to develop and improve, both in a personal and professional capacity. By learning new skills and techniques, you can make iterative changes within your organisation, and communicate your vision to others.

Our two-day Senior Leadership Development Programme will help you to identify your personal leadership strengths, and complement them by improving your weaknesses. By engaging with our trainers, you’ll learn how to better manage change within your organisation, and run your department in a way that inspires your team. 

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The Complete Leadership Programme for Supervisors and Team Leaders

This course is ideal for team leaders, section leaders, supervisors and first line managers who want to improve every facet of their work.

Leadership is a broad term, and encompasses a huge number of different roles and responsibilities. As well as leading teams of people, you must also manage your own time and attitude, learn to communicate effectively, develop staff, instil a positive culture, and make key decisions on a regular basis.

This comprehensive and in-depth 10-day Team Leader & Supervisor Development Programme attends to all of these aspects and more. Participants will learn a myriad of skills, techniques and models to help them manage a successful team, solving problems and leading by example.

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The Complete Leadership Programme for Managers

This course is ideal for middle Managers who are looking to gain a suite of new skills and techniques, as well as improving their current abilities.

Leadership is a process of self-improvement as much as improving your business and staff. For managers, this not only means keeping track of your own time and tasks, but also ensuring that your staff are being as efficient as possible, and that they are developing along the lines that you have set out.

This comprehensive and in-depth 10-day Leadership and Management Development Programme will cover all aspects of management, from managing yourself to motivating a successful team. You’ll learn a broad set of skills, techniques and models that will help you to improve your own abilities, and set an example to motivate others.

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Managing Challenging Conversations

Our Managing Challenging Conversations course is ideal for managers who want to develop better techniques for tackling those difficult discussions. All of our learners will benefit from a better understanding of the issues that can spark heated or emotional exchanges, and discover ways to tackle those difficult conversations whilst communicating effectively.

One of the most difficult parts of management is having those difficult conversations. This might mean tackling a sensitive topic, challenging certain behaviours or dealing with conflict. Addressing these issues requires planning, a flexible approach and strong interpersonal skills.

This course explores the practical steps that managers can take, as well as the implications of undertaking those challenging conversations. You will learn about the reasons for conflict, how to listen and engage with people, how to identify issues and how to support and reward positive progress.

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Managing Poor Performance and Difficult Behaviour

Our Managing Poor Performance and Difficult Behaviour course is ideal for managers and HR professionals who want to develop better techniques for managing employees.

One of the least pleasant aspects of management is having to deal with staff who are not performing to an acceptable standard. While rare, this situation can be difficult for all parties, with a variety of reasons why an employee might be underperforming. Addressing these issues requires a deft touch and strong interpersonal skills.

This course explores the practical steps that managers can take, as well as the legal implications of managing poor performance and difficult behaviour. You will learn about the reasons for poor performance, how to motivate people, how to identify issues from bullying to inappropriate behaviour, and how to support and reward positive progress.

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Directors – Roles and Responsibilities

Our Directors – Roles and Responsibilities course is ideal for new directors, as well as current directors who are looking to improve in their role, or simply rethink the way they lead their businesses and perform their duties.

Being a director in a business can be substantially different to other leadership roles. As well as your direct responsibilities within the company, you also have to contend with the role of the board, and how you fit into it. This requires a keen understanding of management, communication, direction and ethics as well as traditional leadership skills.

Our training course for directors breaks down the jargon surrounding the role, and offers guidance on a range of responsibilities. You’ll learn how to get the best out of the board, its makeup and structure, the relationship of the board with management, and the duties and responsibilities you will have as a director.

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Managing Virtual and Remote Teams

Attending this course will equip the Remote Leader with the skills necessary to motivate, engage and manage a virtual or distant team on a day to day basis.

Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, flexible working was a growing trend. The situation post-pandemic is that working remotely is now technologically easier and more popular than ever. Even as the threat of Covid has all but disappeared, it is likely that many employees will want to continue remote working in some capacity.

While remote working has its benefits, it can also lead to problems with organisation, motivation and communication. By attending our Managing Virtual and Remote teams course, you’ll gain the skills necessary to emulate the office environment for your virtual or remote teams, and ensure that they stay motivated, engaged and in touch. 

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Change Management

This change management training course is for anyone who has responsibility for managing change and negotiating a successful acceptance of the situation.

Agility allows your business to stay flexible, but it can also take a toll on employees. Even the smallest change can meet with resistance, while the prospect of a large restructure can leave some businesses paralysed. Navigating these scenarios requires careful planning, rigorous preparation, and a deft touch in management and negotiations.

By taking our Change Management course, you’ll learn how change is driven from a range of perspectives, and how to instigate change without causing friction. As well as studying valuable models and tools, you’ll learn how to develop a transition plan, recognise resistance within your organisation, and manage a successful negotiation.

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Problem Solving and Strategic Decision Making

The Problem Solving and Strategic Decision Making course is ideal for managers and directors who want to explore new problem solving techniques, and who are serious about driving creativity in their organisations.

The term ‘blue-sky thinking’ is a cliche for a reason. The business environment is not always amenable to innovation, and it’s easy to feel that your creativity is being stifled. From a heavy workload to strict processes and protocols, the absence of creativity can limit your problem solving abilities, and prevent you from delivering effective solutions.

Our Problem Solving and Strategic Decision Making course will help you to understand the mechanics of creativity and innovation, and the ways to let them flourish. You’ll learn how to nurture and encourage creativity within your organisation, discuss methods and models for effective problem solving, and learn to apply a more analytical mindset.

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Effective Performance Management, Appraisals & Reviews

This course is ideal for line managers with the responsibility for undertaking performance management reviews, and anyone else who is responsible for monitoring and encouraging employee development.

In order to get the most out of your staff, it’s important that you allow them to develop. Without creating the right environment, it’s possible that their level of performance will remain static, and may even recede. By managing your staff more effectively, you can contribute to their development and improve your business’ outcomes.

Our Effective Performance Management and Appraisals/Reviews course will assist with your personal development, and allow you to perform the same feat with your staff. You’ll learn what performance management entails, how to encourage development by setting and tracking objectives, and how to prepare and undertake appraisals and reviews.

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of equality, diversity and Inclusion (EDI), with a focus on how to incorporate best practice within the workplace.

Most of us will live and work with a wide variety of people and communities. While we all have a lot in common, people of different races, religions, ages and genders bring different perspectives and life experiences to the workplace. 

Our highly practical Equality, Diversity and Inclusion course covers the fundamentals of equality and diversity as it applies to the workplace, developing understanding and improving attitudes towards Inclusivity.

You’ll receive a primer on the jargon around diversity, but more importantly learn tangible ways in which diversity impacts on your business: from the value of diverse opinions and perspectives, to an overview of the relevant laws around workplace equality.

By better understanding these differences and how they impact on your relationships with colleagues and customers, you can avoid communication issues, build a rapport between people from different backgrounds, and ultimately develop a more inclusive and positive work culture.

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The course content (Introduction to First Line Management) was inspiring and exactly what we wanted. Leanne was knowledgeable and kept us on track whilst allowing us time to discuss issues relevant to us at school. We left feeling energised and upskilled, thank you!

Julie - Glebe School, Bromley

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