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This statement explains how Kent Trainers Ltd (KTL) handles and uses the personal details which it collects about its customers (bookers, contacts and delegates) and suppliers (trainers and other providers of services and goods).   Retention of this information enables KTL to run its business and to keep in touch with its customers and suppliers to advise them of its training courses and other activities.   KTL is committed to protecting all personal information and being open about the nature of the information which it holds.

Personal Data Held:

The personal information held by KTL will primarily be that provided by its customers when making bookings on courses, from completed course feedback forms and in correspondence from customers and suppliers by post, telephone, email or otherwise.

The records will contain:

  • Contact details as supplied and periodically updated by customers and suppliers (usually first name, last name, email address, telephone number, company details).
  • Details of a customer’s participation in KTL courses including feedback provided by the customer.
  • Personal data supplied by customers and suppliers for specific purposes (e.g. disability requirements or dietary preferences).
  • Personal data supplied by customers for registration with external accreditation bodies (e.g. personal email address, date of birth).


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Use of Personal Data by KTL:

Customers’ and suppliers’ Personal Data is used by KTL for:

  • Administering training courses.
  • Internal record-keeping (including records of courses attended).
  • Marketing of training courses and other events.
  • Conducting surveys.

Communications to customers and suppliers may be sent electronically, by post or by telephone having regard to any preferences expressed about the method of communication which they wish to be employed.

Sharing of Data:

KTL will not share the personal information of customers and suppliers with third parties without their permission. The circumstances currently envisaged where data is shared with third parties are for the purposes of external registration of customers with accreditation bodies (eg ILM, City and Guilds) and for safety and personal reasons (eg dietary requirements to caterers at training venues).

Customers’ Rights:

Customers and suppliers have the right to:

  • Ask KTL for access to, or rectification or erasure of, their individual data.
  • Restrict the data provided.
  • Object to the receipt of communications by any specific method.
  • Request the transfer of their individual data to a third party.

Customers and suppliers have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Further Information:

The legal basis for processing your personal data for the purposes set out above is that it is necessary for the pursuit of KTL’s legitimate interests.   KTL always handles personal data securely and minimises its use, and there is no overriding prejudice to customers and suppliers by using their personal information for these purposes.   However, there is no statutory or contractual requirement for customers and suppliers to provide KTL with any personal data.

The controller of customers’ and suppliers’ personal data is the Operations Director for the time being of KTL who can be contacted at 01732 808185,

Please contact the Operations Director if you have any concerns or questions about the above information or if you do not wish KTL to process your personal data for specific purposes.   Where customers and suppliers have specific requests relating to the management of their personal data, KTL will endeavour to resolve these but there may be circumstances where it is unable to comply with a specific request.

KTL will retain the personal data of customers and suppliers for the duration of their being customers or suppliers, and not more than five years after the last contact with the customer or supplier, or until requested by a customer or supplier to do otherwise.   KTL will publish any changes which it may make to the Data Protection Statement.

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