Browse courses

A business is nothing without its employees. Whether you’re looking to improve recruitment, retention or performance, investing in your staff is one of the best ways to encourage greater productivity and accelerate your company’s growth.

Our Human Resources and Train the Trainer courses will help you to manage and develop every aspect of your most important asset. You’ll gain the skills to not only find the best new recruits, but to keep them in place for longer, and give them the best platform to shine.

Our HR courses cover everything from the recruitment and interview process to staff psychology to fostering diversity and equality in the workplace. Each one aims to improve both skills and ideals, empowering delegates to improve their lives and their workplaces.

HR & Train the Trainer courses

HR Essentials for Managers

This course is ideal for line managers and HR managers who need to understand the essentials of human resource management and employment law. The knowledge from this course is also helpful for anyone looking to better understand their rights within the workplace, and how HR functions within a business.

As a manager, your role will necessarily overlap with that of human resources. Whether you’re looking to better manage performance within the workplace, recruiting new staff or resolving grievances, it’s vital that you have a solid understanding of resource management and the fineries of employment law.

This two-day HR Essentials for Managers course will introduce you to the fundamentals of HR Management, providing you with the relevant information you will need if you have limited HR experience. You’ll learn about the employment life cycle, the processes for recruiting new staff, and how to manage performance in a legal and effective manner. 

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Train the Trainer - Skills for those who deliver training events

Our Train the Trainer course is ideal for anyone new to the training environment, or for those whose role requires them to conduct occasional training of staff.

Training isn’t easy - just ask the experts! As well as mastering the subject they intend to teach, a great trainer requires expertise in a whole host of disciplines. It isn’t enough just to have the knowledge; you need to be able to impart it in the right way, listen and attend to your class, and project confidence in your approach and ability.

In our highly participative two-day Train the Trainer course, you will learn how to plan and prepare a training course from experienced training professionals. Our workshop will teach you about the role of the trainer, what success looks like, how to plan and structure your training courses, and how to deliver them in a way that guarantees success.

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Coaching and Mentoring for Managers

This course is ideal for line managers who want to improve their coaching and mentorship skills, getting the best out of team members and themselves.

Coaching and mentoring can be a unique and challenging remit. The desire to help team members improve can be tempered by concerns about jeopardising relationships, and creating unnecessary friction. Coaches and mentors must develop a light touch, providing guidance and support without lecturing or overstepping their mark.

Our Coaching and Mentoring for Managers course is for managers who wish to develop their coaching or mentoring skills at any level within an organisation. It aims to give participants a clear insight and understanding into the dynamics of mentorship, and how to develop skills and confidence while maintaining personal boundaries.

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Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations

Our workplace investigations training course will be of particular value to managers, team leaders and other personnel responsible for conducting workplace investigations and/or hearing grievance and disciplinary cases.

This one-day training course offers a practical, down-to-earth approach to conducting investigations into sensitive employment issues raised under grievance and disciplinary procedures. Learn from a highly experienced, independent investigator eager to share their expertise so that you can ensure the investigations you carry out are fair and impartial.

This course aims to enable participants to:

  • Develop and practice key skills in conducting effective investigations into issues such as misconduct, bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • Build confidence in effectively managing subjects and witnesses and managing challenging situations.
  • Demonstrate best practice standards and develop a structured approach to gathering and analysing evidence.
  • Produce a balanced, structured written report that will stand up to scrutiny.

Participants will take away a set of tried and tested document templates for maintaining best practice standards of instigation.

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Conflict Management and Resolution in the Workplace

This interactive conflict management and resolution training course is ideal for anyone who wants to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to identify and deal effectively with workplace tensions and conflict.

Our workplaces offer us the chance to work with a wide variety of people. With so many different experiences and perspectives, we tend to see the world in different ways. This diversity provides many positive opportunities - but it can also increase the potential for conflict.

Whether you're experiencing consistently disruptive or aggressive behaviour or sensing more subtle underlying tensions, conflict is a major source of stress, and can affect morale, self-confidence and ultimately productivity. Our course will give you the tools and the confidence to disarm these tensions, and resolve conflict in an amicable way. 

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Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Skills

This course is ideal for line Managers, HR managers/administrators, business owners, and anyone else who is involved in employee recruitment and selection

Recruitment is one of the most important aspects of any business. Get it right, and you’ll have team members that contribute to your success and develop alongside the business. Get it wrong, and you can introduce unstable elements that inhibit your growth, or unsuitable candidates that then have to be replaced at cost.

Our Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection course looks at the various stages of the recruitment process, from defining the role and advertising to short listing and “onboarding”. We’ll help you craft the perfect person specification and job description, reducing the risk of wasting valuable time, money and resources on unsuitable applicants.

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Interviewing Skills for Managers

Our Interviewing Skills for Managers course is best suited to managers or HR professionals who undertake interviews for recruitment, appraisals or disciplinary hearings.

Interviews are tough for the prospective employee, but they can also be a challenge for the employer. A good interview will ask the right questions in a structured manner, and given the interviewee an opportunity to shine. Fail to do this, and you might end up with a candidate who doesn’t fulfil your criteria, or turn one away who does.

Our Interviewing Skills for Managers course will help you to control an interview, using effective listening and questioning techniques in a constructive way. You’ll learn how to plan an interview from the questions to the environment, and how to engage with your interviewee in a way that builds rapport and trust.

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Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

This course is ideal for managers looking to bring their teams closer together by improving communication, and accommodating each person’s behaviour.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been described as the art and science of personal excellence. It is a body of tools and techniques which can transform the way you think about yourself and the people around you, honing your understanding of psychology and communication. With this, you can achieve better results in your daily work, and from your interactions with other people. 

This one-day Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming course programme will give you a highly practical overview of NLP. You’ll learn about the practical applications of NLP in your workplace, and how understanding psychology can help improve your confidence, build stronger relationships, and improve your planning and behaviour.

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Psychology for Business

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their interactions with others within the workplace, whether you want to influence those around you, or create a better performing team.

The mechanics of business are very different to operating and working in one. Thriving in a business environment doesn’t just require knowledge of sales or marketing - it requires you to understand people. Without an appreciation of how our behaviour affects the way we work, your development and performance could both be hampered.

The Model of Human Behaviour is key to understanding what drives the way in which we behave and interact with others. It is a widely used psychological model that forms the foundation of our Psychology for Business course, which will give you an opportunity to reflect on your own (and other people’s) ways of thinking and behaving in the workplace.

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